Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fullboy - The Adventure Begins

Hello all!! For those of you that know me well, you will know that I like to talk about food. Regardless of how a conversation may have started, it usually ends up being about food. The simple reason is, I really, really love food. I love to talk about food, think about food but most of all, I LOVE EATING FOOD!!

Many people love eating food, one of them being my lovely girlfriend Melissa. We are taking our love of food to Asia with us and for the next year will be reporting our Asian food adventure on this blog.

We're starting in Malaysia with a brief foray into Singapore, then we'll be travelling into Thailand, through Cambodia, up Vietnam, into Laos, across Thailand again into Burma, up into China and finishing in India.

Stay in touch with this blog to find out what we've been eating, where we've been eating and hopefully, with my very amateur photography, what it looks like.

Speak to you soon,


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